
Welcome to my blog! Although the main focus of this blog is Traumatic Brian Injury (TBI), and I am hopeful that I will meet like-minded (pun intended) people who are thankful for what remains. I welcome all those who have faced the unspoken question, "Get better or get bitter?" and have wholeheartedly answered, "Get better!" I am learning that all of us qualify as the "walking wounded." All of us are facing something in our lives. This blog is a place of rest and healing. I appreciate any comment and will honor any requests for prayer. Consider me your personal prayer warrior!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's not like childbirth. Or is it?

After I had my first baby, I began to forget the pain almost immediately.  Holding that perfect little guy in my arms was worth every hour of the pain.  That is why Anthony is not an only child.  He has Kelly and Kacy to keep him company.  Childbirth pain is minimized in the memory, because the child is such a joy to the heart.

The pain I experienced from the wreck and subsequent surgeries and therapies is not so easily erased. There is no daily reminder of what was accomplished by the pain of this journey.  Or is there?  The further I get from that fateful day of November 3, 2004, the more I understand how important prayer can be. 

Facebook friends get my prayers.  Especially those who photos appear on the profile page.  These photos change daily, and I get a chance to prayer bomb these folks.  Friends who are fighting cancer or other illnesses, the loss of a loved one, illness of a family member, care of a fragile parent, struggling with financial issues, depression, loneliness, etc. all get prayers. 

It is really so easy to just say a quick prayer for someone.  A while back, someone  my children knew was near death.  I felt a pressing need to pray with passion for her life.  Following this urgency to pray, I did something I seldom do.  I went in my bedroom and closed the door.  For many minutes I knelt by my bed and prayed for this young woman.  In that kneeling position I surrendered all that I had to God as I interceded in prayer for this young woman's life. She will have a long journey to health, but she survived. 

Of course I don't take credit for saving this woman's life. God is her great physician.  But I do believe that my prayers mattered.  I have learned that prayer not only heals the person being prayed for, it also heals the person doing the praying.  When I pray for others, I further heal those parts of me that still cling to the memory of the pain.  I become more whole.  Maybe it really is like childbirth.  Born from the pain of the injury, my prayer life has grown to become a daily joy to my heart that minimizes the memory of the pain. 

1 comment:

  1. Prayer matters. Thank you for your prayer warrior status, Diane.
